Apr 4, 20212 min

The Hand of God: Part 2

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

One of the most common defenses you hear from someone accused is it wasn't me. Whether a child or an adult, whether a regular citizen or a criminal, the common initial chorus to accusation is, "It wasn't me."

We are afraid to admit our errors, our mistakes, our unfair practices, and wrongdoing. I often ask myself when hearing a public figure staunchly deny wrongdoing although the evidence points otherwise, what if they just came clean? It doesn't feel good to work so hard to maintain blockading our humanness. When we hold onto defense rather than speak freely about our transgressions, we further erode our divine soul in favor of the false construct of the ego. Denial - as I have seen time and again at the end of life - is what derails us most. We should strive to minimize denial in our lives and help others around us facilitate their own personal expression of transgression in order for us to collectively heal through real, mutual forgiveness.

Indeed, the same drive that causes us to deny we are ever culpable or fallible, is the same one which causes us to deny death. This is why embracing the eventual actuality of one's mortality is very healthy for overcoming the folly of the ego and relinquishing to the divine. It is well worth the effort to start embracing wanting to tell the whole truth - yes, as much as one can, the whole truth. The fear is that in doing so we will be destroyed by others because our current world is not set up for personal transparency. But if each of us begins to come cleaner about our own transgressions - not the transgressions of others - at least personally and definitely before God, we stand a real chance finally at changing our repetitive course.